Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference takes place only in a remote mode

About the Conference

This international symposium organising by IPSA RC26 on Human Rights will be hosted by the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, on 9 and 10 December 2021 (University website: https://wnpid.amu.edu.pl/en/home

The COVID-19 pandemia has changed many aspects of human and social life. It proves to be an unprecedented experience. This crisis requires unusual solutions, regulations, and a strong response to limit the disease’s spread and protect societies. However, it could be an excuse to introduce oppressive surveillance and undermine human rights, e.g., political, social, and cultural rights, especially the freedom of expression, the right to privacy. The W.H.O. proclamation of the COVID-19 as pandemic on March 11, 2020, led many countries to declare a state of emergency and grant extraordinary powers to their governments.

It is expected that during the seminar, the speakers will consider and analyze the impact of COVID-19 on diverse aspects of protection of human rights, in a specific condition of democracy and political rights under lockdown in numerous regions and states, and also the right to health and health-care, equitable access to vaccination, as well as the influence of the health crisis on freedom of expression and media freedom, freedom of movement and privacy.

With regret and great disappointment, the RC26 IPSA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “HOW HAVE YEARS 20-21 CHANGED THE WORLD?“ organizational committee has decided to convert our conference, scheduled for December 9 & 10, from a hybrid meeting into an on-line one. The worsening COVID situation in most European countries, especially Poland, has left us with no choice. The initial idea of finally having the opportunity to meet each other in person and socializing – is no longer feasible in that situation. It even has become uncertain if traveling to Poland will still be possible in December 2021.

This Symposium will be organized in two pleary sessions ( How have years 20-21 changed the world?) and six panels (including two in Polish language), with the following topics:

  • Democracy and political rights under lockdown
  • Demokracja i ochrona praw człowieka w warunkach lockdownu
  • The right to health and health-care and equitable access to vaccination during COVID-19 pandemic,
  • Prawo do zdrowia i opieki zdrowotnej a ochrona praw człowieka podczas pandemii COVID-19
  • Key human rights during COVID-19 pandemic. Impact of COVID-19 on some aspects of human rights
  • The impact of the (health) crisis on freedom of expression and media freedom